First tests. (VIDEO)
A short video to demonstrate the functionality of SHORTGOLF.

A long way for a small ball.
The task was simple enough: let's develop a ball that behaves on hard surfaces (a.k.a. streets) like a golfball would on grass. The ball...

Testing. Testing. And more testing.
This is what we've been waiting for. Tests, that just feel like playing golf. It just works and it's a great feeling.

The balls are ready. finally.
After years of tinkering I finally found the solution. Material and form coming together to produce a ball that behaves on concrete like...

It's finally coming to form
Here are some handcut parts for my first "real" prototype. It's starting to look more like a product. Some details of the folded base....

Think flat.
It's one thing to develop a system. It's another to make it a product. In 2016 the system was pretty much set. There would be a ramp for...